Friday, September 10, 2010

Own Up

Through a random series of events on this trip, one theme has become overwhelmingly clear to me. Things are the least complicated when you just tell the truth. The whole truth. The first time. I don't understand why it's so hard, yet I know I am not always the first to do it. Help me with this. Call me on it. When layers upon layers are built on shaky ground, it's inevitably going to come crashing down. You're just going to have to explain yourself later. It's far more mentally exhausting to think about the erroneous foundation you have laid and build upon it without contradicting it. Who wants to go to bed mentally exhausted? I know I don't like spending all day walking around on eggshells crafting something into something it isn't. If you just say it right the first time, you're done. It's like ripping off a band-aid. When the whole situation is explained, it's really not that bad anyway. What is the appeal to skirting around the issue? Sure it's easier now, but in the long run it's a disaster. Even if the other person is totally on board with your story, the person doesn't know it's a lie, so they are going to fix the fake issue and the real issue is still out there. Wow… progress? Not really? Excuse my blunt demeanor, but it's a waste of time. It all comes back to integrity – being integrated. One story. One character. People will like you more if they can like the WHOLE you. You will like yourself better if you only have to think about ONE you. Then, you can really LIVE.

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