Friday, August 13, 2010

Concept Perimeter

For a long time now God has put it on my heart to travel around the US after I graduate. Pack up after this lease is up and drive. With no plan.

I had reservations about this because I felt that I was traveling just to escape, or because I had no place better to be. I also felt I had no place that I wanted to come back to. I didn't want to leave under those circumstances... think of how emotionally depressing that would be. To be homeless... homeless without a church. Homeless without a family. Homeless without an actual home. Homeless without a purpose.

I often time associate getting away with finding God. I had God in the box that I keep anywhere but here. So another reservation I had been having was that if it was going to take a trip like that to find God, I would never be happy or feel planted in the home, because what is home without God? See the dilemma?

Well as God has worked a lot of these things out since I chose to plug into Him full force back when Tim said "Jump". I had to Jump and be all in for Him. This was perhaps the first time ever, if not a very long time, that I felt like I was committing to a relationship with God first because of my own desire to have a direct relationship. I wasn't just going along for friends or making spiritual steps because my friends were. Steps I really didn't understand. God met me that day.

I had a great conversation with my friend Keith the other night about the decision to become a member at the Rock that I have been wrestling with for months. It basically came down to "should I follow where God is growing me, leading me, and clearly answering prayer; or should I have reservations and deny it and essentially deny Him by holding onto something my own head keeps trying to justify"... Well the answer sounded so obvious coming from him but it took hearing it from outside my own head to get how completely asinine and disobedient it would be to consider the second option. We've all been there. We like to hold on.

Well now that I feel like I am planted in a church and know how to find God wherever I am, He seems to have laid this idea of a trip, a sabbatical, on my heart again... but for the right reasons. It will be a major testament of my faith. A chance to rest in Him. A chance for excitement. A chance to plug into my family. A chance to explore and seek the beauty that he weaves so intricately into each place I will encounter.

Then I thought about denying fruits and have seen how writing, if for nobody but myself, has been a huge way God has worked in my life (and the lives of others from what I gather).

"Concept:Perimeter" - God laid it on me heavily to not deny this gift of writing and sharing with others. He put that title of a book in my head that I am to write to share what he shows me as I perimeter the United States after I graduate. Literally coast to coast, top to bottom. I don't doubt that he will show me at least one thing in each place I stop, whether it be in conversation, observation, or meditation.

He even answered how I can time this trip almost seamlessly with graduation and work. Without having to stall a month and have an awkward transition of homelessness. Take the route backwards. It puts me in each place at a beautiful time of year for that place if I leave when my lease is up. August 1st.

I ask for prayer in finances - that I can be a steward of my finances well enough to be able to be obedient and take this trip. And if I am not, that I can step out in enough faith to do it anyways. I pray for insight and support and wisdom about how all of this can be communicated effectively to reach the people who need to be reached.

I don't know all the details but by putting this out there now, I ask people to hold me to this. I know God will reveal the rest in the appropriate time. If I didn't share it, I could easily just let it fall by the wayside and potentially miss out on the most wonderful opportunity of my life.

Live Hard.

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