Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Minute Overhaul

Hey all! This note happened on Sunday but, let's face it, why would I log on to the computer when I get to hang out with Luke, Jenna, and Melissa.

Well, I thought the trip was all mapped out. I roughly had it coordinated with budget. I had the general outline. It's what I've been telling people for months. However, that spark of excitement that drove this whole endeavor wasn't there. I just hadn't been feeling it and had been praying on that a lot over the last couple weeks. I didn't want to leave just to flounder about. Yea a break from everything is nice, for about a day. I feel like I am in the season to connect with people.

So I was at church on Sunday and during the message I felt an extremely strong conviction to go to Wisconsin first. Get to my family now. It would be better for them and better for me. All of a sudden this trip had a purpose and that excitement I had been praying for had returned. I figured I would call Uncle Mike and, based his reaction, finalize the decision that minute. I would have to since I was set to leave in T minus 20 hours. He said "the sooner the better" and the deal was done.

Essentially I am working the route in reverse, picking where I want to go each day, and trusting God with the rest since there was no time for me to plan anything. It seems like when I plan it, stuff get's all complicated anyway. However, there is so much freedom in not having a plan and just trusting that I feel the trip is now what it was meant to be in the first place. Whatever happened the last few months of planning I have no idea but I'm glad that's out of the way. God has already shown me so much in my willingness to just let go.

Live Hard



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